Vidya Sukh Scholarships

Jain Minority Scholarship: This scholarship is offered to students from the Jain minority community, providing financial assistance to help them pursue their academic goals. It is designed to encourage students to focus on their studies without the added pressure of financial constraints. The scholarship aims to promote inclusivity and academic success within the Jain community at Vidya University.

Single Parent Child Scholarship: The Single Parent Child Scholarship at Vidya University supports students who are raised by a single parent, easing the financial burden of their education. It acknowledges the resilience of these students and provides them with an opportunity to excel academically. This scholarship ensures that such students have the resources they need to pursue their educational aspirations without hindrance.

Defence Ward Scholarship: This scholarship is granted to the children of Defence personnel, providing them with financial support to further their education at Vidya University. It honors the sacrifices made by defense families and ensures that the children of these heroes receive the education they deserve. The scholarship is a token of appreciation for the dedication and service of defense personnel.

Female Child Scholarship: Vidya University offers the Female Child Scholarship to encourage female students to pursue higher education and break down barriers in their academic and professional journeys. It aims to empower women by providing financial assistance for their studies. The scholarship promotes gender equality, enabling young women to access opportunities for personal and academic growth.

Meritorious Scholarship: The Meritorious Scholarship recognizes and rewards students who have demonstrated exceptional academic achievements. By providing financial assistance, Vidya University seeks to motivate and support high-achieving students in their educational pursuits. This scholarship helps talented individuals continue their academic journey with fewer financial concerns, fostering excellence in education.