Evaluation Criteria

Vidya University employs a comprehensive evaluation system to assess student performance, which includes both internal and end-semester examinations. The evaluation criteria are designed to measure a student's:

  • Knowledge and Understanding: Accurate recall of facts, concepts, and theories; understanding of underlying principles and relationships.
  • Application of Knowledge: Ability to apply knowledge to solve problems, make decisions, and analyze real-world situations.
  • Critical Thinking: Ability to analyze information, evaluate arguments, and formulate logical conclusions.
  • Problem-Solving Skills: Ability to identify problems, develop solutions, and implement strategies.
  • Communication Skills: Effective written and oral communication, including clarity, coherence, and persuasiveness.
Weightage of Internal and End-Semester Examinations

The overall assessment of a course typically involves a combination of internal and end-semester examinations, with weightage assigned to each component. The exact weightage may vary depending on the course and department, but a common distribution is as follows:

  • Internal Assessments (30%)
    • Assignments
    • Quizzes
    • Mid-term Examinations
    • Projects
    • Class Participation
  • End-Semester Examinations (70%)
    • Written Examinations (Theory and Practical)
Passing Criteria

To pass a course, a student must achieve a minimum overall grade, which is typically a weighted average of the internal and end-semester examination marks. The specific passing criteria may vary from course to course, but common standards include:

  • Minimum Overall Grade: A minimum overall grade of, 40% (depending on the course and university regulations) is required for a student to successfully pass the semester.
  • Minimum Marks in Individual Components: Students are required to obtain a minimum mark in each component, such as the internal assessments and end-semester examinations.
  • The passing criteria for published by the regulatory shall be applicable for the respective faculty, if any. For the programs falling under regulatory bodies such as Pharmacy Council of India, Bar Council of India or any other shall be governed by the respective passing criteria.

By adhering to these evaluation criteria and passing criteria, Vidya University ensures a fair and transparent assessment process that accurately reflects student performance.