Examination Ordinances of Vidya University
Vidya University has established a comprehensive set of Examination Ordinances to ensure a fair, transparent, and efficient examination process. These ordinances govern various aspects of examinations, including eligibility, conduct, evaluation, and result declaration.
Eligibility Criteria
- Minimum Attendance: Students must maintain a minimum percentage of attendance in classes to be eligible to appear for examinations.
- Academic Performance: Students must meet specific academic performance criteria, such as passing previous semesters, to be eligible for the next semester's examinations.
Examination Schedule
- Timely Release: The university releases the examination schedule well in advance to allow students ample time for preparation.
- Fair Allocation of Examination Slots: The examination schedule is designed to avoid clashes and ensure a fair distribution of examination slots.
Examination Conduct
- Strict Proctoring: Examinations are conducted under strict proctoring to prevent malpractice and cheating.
- Seating Arrangements: Students are assigned specific seats to maintain order and prevent any unfair means.
- Use of Electronic Devices: The use of electronic devices, except for calculators (if permitted), is strictly prohibited during examinations.
Question Paper Pattern
- Balanced Question Paper Design: Question papers are designed to assess a wide range of cognitive abilities, including knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.
- Clear Instructions: Question papers include clear and concise instructions to avoid any confusion among students.
Evaluation Process
- Marking Schemes: Detailed marking schemes are prepared to ensure consistent and fair evaluation.
- Moderation Process: Answer scripts are subjected to a rigorous moderation process to maintain quality standards.
- Revaluation and Re-examination: The university provides opportunities for revaluation and re-examination under specific conditions and guidelines.
Result Declaration and Publication
- Timely Result Declaration: Examination results are declared and published within a specified timeframe.
- Result Verification: Students can verify their results online or by visiting the university's examination office.
- Grievance Redressal: A well-defined grievance redressal mechanism is in place to address any concerns or disputes related to examination results.
By adhering to these Examination Ordinances, Vidya University aims to maintain high academic standards and ensure a fair and transparent evaluation process for all students.