If you think creativity is only for artists, think again. People use creativity every day in all kinds of ways, whether to tell a story about that time your car broke down or to develop a mobile app. Making Creativity your job typically requires practice, risk taking, and trial & error. For workers who do it on their own; it also means learning how to market themselves and run a business.

Creativity can be defined as the ability to produce something of value that did not exist before. You could harness creativity to design a product, make a blueprint, or write a script, for example. The outcomes of creative work may be wildly different among individual people or disciplines, but there are often similarities in the process.

The creative process often starts with a spark of inspiration: An idea. It can come at any time and from anywhere, such as from nature or people. When thinking of ideas look in unexpected places. But inspiration alone is not enough for creating. Creativity requires hard work and patience to turn ideas into viable output. Workers increase their chances of success through planning, assessing, revising, and reflecting on their work. Planning is important because it helps creative workers find focus and use their time wisely. By setting aside time for practice and research, for example, workers can improve their craft and connect ideas. Planning can also make a project seem less daunting. For example, workers may break up a project into several small tasks and schedule time to create every day. Steady effort often leads to noticeable results. Making a timeline and requesting feedback from clients, collaborators, and others may help workers stay on track. After completing creative tasks, successful workers reflect on what they’ve learned during the process. They may review, for example, how often they practiced and what helped them do so more consistently. By applying these lessons to future creative endeavors, workers can improve their efficiency in finishing tasks.

If you want to turn your creativity into a career choose from our courses.



Our creative programs are run under VIDYA INSTITUTE OF FASHION TECHNOLOGY (VIFT) and it aims at :

  • Acquisition of a good level of basic skills in their design specialization.
  • The curriculum stimulates all aspects of design including fashion sketching, creative design, computer application, draping and pattern drafting.
  • VIFT library has collection of 3351 books & 1925 titles of all subject areas along with this we subscribes 10 fashion magazines and maintains a selection of visual presentation material.
  • Exposure in terms of exhibitions and professional events.
  • Students are encouraged to take part in exhibitions and professional events and exhibit their work as part of Shows.
  • VIFT has latest equipment to introduce the most recent teaching practice during lectures. Teaching and learning methods at Vidya Institute of Fashion Technology comprises of lectures, demonstration of techniques, group discussion, interaction with domain experts, studio assignment, presentation, review, critic and feedback.
  • VIFT faculties are unmatched in their expertise and are committed to educate the new generation of professionals faculty from the industry.