The students of ECE and EN have taken a step to open the “VIBP Club ( Vidya’s Itty Bitty Processors)”.This is first of its kind club which will be inaugurated officially from the forum of EC and EN. It comprises of both technical and non-technical events for the entire Vidya Knowledge Park students. It is an effort to bring out the talent and boost up student’s confidence to showcase their knowledge which will ultimately make them more presentable in interviews and public speaking events. For more information contact the student coordinators or visit HODs notice boards in respective departments.
A club is formed by Computer Science department to fulfill the thirst of the corporate by updating the knowledge of the student’s on recent trends and technologies. Tech Squadra of CSE/IT department provides a platform to students organize, participate and exhibit their talent in various activities such as Website Development, Technical Quiz, GD, Technical presentations, etc. guest lecture/ seminar /workshops: Seminars and Workshops are organized by IIT/Industry for students.
STAMBH is established by Civil Engineering department to afford an opportunity for students to become acquainted with one another and to practice effective teamwork. The purpose of the club is to recognize the characteristics of the individual civil engineer deemed to be fundamental to the successful pursuit of an engineering career.
MECHNOVATIC aims to promote peer relationships and professional engineering development for students of mechanical engineering. The club provides students with opportunities to network with the greater mechanical engineering community through social events, guest speaker lectures from industry, and tours of current projects, local businesses, and research facilities.
SCI-FI is a club formed by the Applied Science Department of Engineering which provide the students a platform to explore their hidden talent. The activities like Model Making, Power Point Presentation, Poster Making etc inculcate in students creative skills.
Google Scholar Club: The Google scholar club has been initiated to promote research culture and upgradation of faculties on Vidya Knowledge Park. GSC at Vidya Knowledge Park, Meerut is formed under Directorate of Research and Project Mobilization. The club has started it functioning with effect from 10th February 2017.